West Marches Original Dungeons and Dragons - Hex 015.017 - Ruined Sky-Tower

North-West on the map you can see here, the hex is south of 015.016, where there is an altar of Tizan. This hex was an ancient center of governement from a previous empire (the Magus). A huge tower up to the sky. Now it's all destroyed and has been looted numerous time.

North-west of the hex there is a road going towards the south-west. It reaches a splitting point near hex 014.017 and 014.018. East of that, on top of a small hill, there is a huge ruins of a tower that's smashed to the ground, leaving behind a long trail of rocks. The tower is of Magus design and was probably high enough to touch the sky. Around the tower, the air is damp, heavy and feels unnatural. At night, this feeling is even worse.

There is a small trail going south-east up the hills/mountain of hex 016.018.

Random encounters (1d6, 1 = encounter, 2 = omen)
  • 1 - 5: 1d4 Bears /w cubs if multiple (Common regional creatures)
  • 6 - 9: 2d6 Wolves (Regional low-HD creatures)
  • 10 - 11: 1d2 Manticore (Regional high-HD creature)
  • 12 - 13: A Wight that travels at night to the tower to roam and returns to the shadow at dawn (Creatures linked with the hex or an adjacent hex)
  • 14 - 15: Hungry Giant toads (Encounter linked with the hex)
  • 16: Primitives (ambush)
  • 17: One lost paladin from the group at hex 015.018 (regional NPC)
  • 18: One lost/fleeing mutant from hex 015.018 (adjacent/local hex NPC)
  • 19: Hunters scouting ahead of the Haven (Other encounter)
  • 20: Recurring NPC*
*You should create your own list as per what the player see, do, etc. 


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