First Post - About this Blog

This blog will be the main platform to discuss my OD&D WM campaign set in an Arthurian Fantasy world. I have 900 hex to fill, and I will try and post all of them here as I create them (as I write this, I am around 120 on 900). One day I hope I can repay the internet community of old school RPG by publishing my campaign since I harvested from so many sources.

This blog is mainly about my Dungeons and Dragons. I DM a (sligthly modified) OD&D West Marches style campaign, but also 5th ed. and other OSR. I play in OSR campaign and 5th ed. I will not speak much of 5th or other OSR but will concentrate, as much as I can, on old school Dungeons and Dragons. I will tackle dungeons, wilderness, rules, musings, homebrew and even the history of the hobby if I get to it.

Finally, this blog is for everyone to discuss. Keep in mind that I am a Christian and I will not tolerate some undesirable attitude.

I like OD&D for its simplicity and horizon. It projects something in the imagination that's unparalleled for a DM and author. I am a poor author, so I steal a lot from other people. But I like to DM so I create things for my player to experiment with, a different world. 

I chose the name of the blog because the Illithid and psionics always have been pet peeve of mine. Even if I play OD&D, I included the psionic in my campaign (nobody on 14 players yet as to roll one). I must say that I was partly influenced by a blogpost of Michael S from ChicagoWiz's Games blog

I chose a picture from Tolkien because to me, as much as Conan or Cudgel are fantastic D&D heroes, Tolkien as a DM (and person) is a huge inspiration for me. 

I am creating a blog not because I think my stuff is awesome, but because I personally stole from so many blogs, handbook and pdf that if someone can take something from my blog and have a wonderful game with his players, then it's a win for me. 

I hope everyone will enjoy the ride. 


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