West Marches Original Dungeons and Dragons - Hex 015.013 - The Haven

For this first blogpost of my hexcrawl, I decided to situate the world itself by discussing an important and yet unimportant hex, the starting hex. From there, in the next blogpost, I will be able to discuss more fully the setting and home rules, and from there the different hexes and dungeons.

The Haven is first and foremost an ancient Arthurian keep that is now ruled by a Baron, Berenger de Montfault, overseeing the lands. His actual lands are called Montfault, because of the huge mountain ridge north of the keep (Mont in french means "Mountain" or "mount").

The player don't have too much information about it and I prefer to keep it that way. And in order for me not to fall into the DM error of forcing lore on my players, I try not to have too much information about it myself. Up until now, it worked fined.

The civilized lands around the keep itself contains three hexes of farmlands (014.014, 015.014, 016.014) and one for the keep. Those four are bordered by high mountains in the north (014.013, 015.012, 016.013). The lord's road or the "baron's road" goes from this civilized place to the east, west, and south through the Nilvan River (Nilvan Bridge, 015.015).

Players are safe, 100%, both by virtue of RP and mechanics, while in the Haven. They can speak with different group of influence: temples, mercenaries, nobility, guards, hunters, etc. They can buy and sell, train, have their henchmen, etc. They can also do downtime activities. In my game, those are constituted by either working, carousing, pit fighting, launching an expedition, doing research, doing temple services, gambling and so on.

My next blogpost will deal with my hexcrawl rules and the setting/world map itself. With all those three post done, we will be able to start.


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