OSR/OD&D Psionics - Simplified (brainstorming)

I had already dabbled in simplifying the Psionics rules from Eldricht Wizardry supplement for my campaign. I play LBB OD&D in theory, but I really like the psionics in general as a concept (as per my blog title), so I had included the class. It's not the only thing I take from outside the 3 LBB (such as AD&D DM Guide and AD&D Monster Manual). In any cases, so far nobody has rolled one (chances are slim in OD&D).
As I was trying to get some sleep tonight, I had an epiphany of sort in order to simplify it even more. Again simplicity is an important thing for me, running a West Marches campaign and having only so few hours to play (including rolling new characters and explaining whatever abilities they have). That being said, I don't want too much simplicity, even if I can respect that. This blogpost will be a brainstorm (first draft) of what I was thinking about.
Character Generation
Only humans can be psionics.
(CHA + WIS + INT) - 35 = % of chance to be a psionic
If you are a psionic, you roll 2d6:
- 2: lvl 0 psionics (you are sensitive, but nothing more)
- 3 - 7: lvl 1
- 8 - 10: lvl 2
- 11: lvl 3
- 12: lvl 4
Maths might a be a little off, but I do think it represents almost same % of power level by vaguely and arbitrarily comparing the original system with mine. I am more generous with being a psionic, but again, nobody yet has been a psionic in my game.
Psionic Powers
Every character level, you get 1d6 chance per psionic level of getting a new power. Restriction to get them are the same as OD&D (loss of spells, etc.).
Every three powers you gain a new psionic level.
You gain all psionic defense mode and attack mode as per your psionic level (1 to 5, as per the normal progression).
To activate a power, you roll 2d6 + psionic level - (# of Psychic Strains). If the result is 10+, power happen and nothing else. If you roll 9 -, the power happen and you gain an extra Psychic Strain.
If you have more Psychic Strain than your psionic level, you start taking HP/Flesh* damage. If you have more Strains than your WIS score, you die. Strains take off between adventures.
* I use the (not very OSR) rule of Flesh/Grit in my games. More on this elsewhere.
Psionic power list as per.
Psionic Combat
You roll 2d6. Success depends on the attack mode vs defense mode. Grid will ressemble a lot the Turn Undead table.
If your attack hit, you automatically cause +1 Psychic Strain and an effect depending on:
- The attack itself
- Your psionic level compared to the target
- If you are lower than the target
- If you are equal than the target
- If you are higher than the target
So the biggest advantage of being higher psionic level is a greater toolset in combat, and always having your attack doing bigger effect on your target.
Your defense is always active, unless you are unconscious/asleep/etc.
To use psionic blast on non-psionics, you need to be level 5+ and roll as per a psionic power. Not applicable if you use it only against psionics.
Psionic attack/defense mode as per. Same one are strong against same one, etc. Just different math.
This needs to be playtested of course, but I like the fact that in combat, even if you have two tables, the math are very simple and there is only one dice roll. Also, no extra book-keeping of psi points and such. It's just a death spiraling effect of psychic strains. It's also exponential: the more you are stronger, the stronger your progression is. It justifies the Ilithid being so badass.
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