West Marches Original Dungeons and Dragons - Hex 014.016 - Toad's Pond

Most of it is only accessible from the north. The river cross the hex at the south.

There is a small trail leading from the road at hex 014.015 and going south to the present hex, entering from the north. That trail leads to the river, where some people go for fishing (if they are not afraid of the forest). Near the west-south-west, there is a big pond and a small stream that leads up to the river.

  • Trail: The trail is north-east going to the river. The trail then branch-off going south-west, following the river.
    • If the player follow that trail, they will find a topaz in the center of road, perfectly put there. There is nothing magical or no ambush. It's worth 50gp. It was dropped by people that wanted to ambush but were ambushed themselves long ago.
  • Pond: There is 1d6 +1 giant toad that are not aggressive. There is one body of such a toad near the shore. Upon inspection, it seems there is something sticking out of it's mouth (it's a hand). If PC investigate, they will find a dead aventurer inside the toad that finished it from inside but wasn't able to get out. It contain one starting kit and a silvered dagger. 

Random encounters (1d6, 1 = encounter, 2 = omen)
  • 1 - 5: 1d4 Bears /w cubs if multiple (Common regional creatures)
  • 6 - 9: 2d6 Wolves (Regional low-HD creatures)
  • 10 - 11: 1d2 Manticore (Regional high-HD creature)
  • 12 - 13: Amphisboena* which is my version of a giant snake (Creatures linked with the hex or an adjacent hex)
  • 14 - 15: Hungry Giant toads (Encounter linked with the hex)
  • 16: Bandits (ambush)
  • 17: Guards from the Haven patrolling the roads (regional NPC)
  • 18: Fisherman from the Haven (adjacent/local hex NPC)
  • 19: Hunter and animals (Other encounter)
  • 20: Recurring NPC*
*You should create your own list as per what the player see, do, etc. 


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